Monday, September 25, 2006

music obsession

It's seems like my favorite tune du jour is the only thing I talk about these days . . . but sometimes when you're trying to escape the things you're feeling, someone else's words can strike an unexpected chord and tap into the thoughts in the back of your mind that would otherwise remain bottled up. Until eventually you lose it and throw an all-out tantrum in Starbucks when some unsuspecting barista doesn't blend the ice in your tall light mocha frappuccino well enough. I mean, hypothetically.

Anyway, "White Daisy Passing" is a gorgeous indie folk song by Rocky Votolato, and you must go listen to it and wait for this (near the end):

" . . . all those evenings on the back deck of our first apartment
they meant everything but the wind just carried em off
and you can't go back now just a passing moment gone."

Those lines express one of the most heartbeaking facets of the human condition in such a simple and true way. Or maybe I'm just a bitter, cynical girl who's looking for a reason to be mad at the world. Either way, it's a good song.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Elton vs. Muppets

This is truly ridiculous and yet somehow makes life seem worth living. How can anything be wrong in the world when you're watching Elton John (attired in what appears to be a technicolor turkey costume) singing along with/ being attacked by muppet crocodiles?

to watch: just click the video twice and it will take you to youtube. it's more than worth it.


Friday, September 22, 2006

Zombies are taking over the world.

Or at least iTunes. Here are some bands that popped up while
I was searching for music:

The Zombies
Music For Zombies
Mambo Zombies
Zombies and Pirates
Zombies a Go-Go

Monday, September 18, 2006

more music

Songs I downloaded a while ago and have heard everywhere I go lately (bars, stores, etc):

Scissor Sisters (coming to NYC on Oct. 21st!)-- I Don't Feel Like Dancin' . . . I LOVE this song. And hey, when you've got Sir Elton penning your tunes you're guaranteed at least a little playtime aren't you?

Phoenix-- Consolation Prizes & Long Distance Call. See- I told you people they were cool.

Songs I love right now from bands you might want to know about:

Phoen-- no. I'm not going to say it again. If you haven't caught on to the brillance of Thomas Mars et ses amis by now then I can't help you. On to the list . . .

A.M. Slow Golden Hit . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hotel Lights (they'll be in NYC on Nov. 1st at Tonic!)

Countdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Black Keys (in NYC Nov. 3rd)

Here It Goes Again . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O.K. Go- how can you not love this? And the video is the best thing ever (looks they're only playing in the UK right now- boo).

Skeleton Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Margot & the Nuclear So and So's- weird name, good band. Really good. And they're coming to the Knitting Factory on November 5th!

Parade of Punk Rock T-Shirts . . . . . . . .Maritime (Oct. 21st @ Mercury Lounge)

Home Schooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Down Dexter

Sunday, September 17, 2006

kids of the world, rejoice!

I'm guessing it'll be quite a while before your parents pull out the old "eat your spinach-- it's good for you" line again.